Face Swap Image & Video Online Free

Easily swap faces in photos and videos with our free AI-powered tool. Start using it now at no cost!


10,000+ users

Everything you need

How to use Face Swap:

Upload Photos

Select a base photo with a clear face and a target photo with the face you want to swap.

Swap Faces

Click ‘Swap Face’ and the AI will replace the face from the base photo with the one from the target photo.

Save and Share

Preview the result, then download the swapped image to save and share it.

Free and Secure Face Swapping

Enjoy our AI-powered face swapping tool without any hidden costs or fees. We prioritize your privacy and security, following strict policies to ensure your facial data is never stored. Have unlimited fun and peace of mind while using our complimentary service.

  • AI-powered face swapping
  • No hidden costs

Loads of Fun

Try for free

Prioritizes Privacy

Facial data never stored

Natural and Realistic Results

Our advanced face swapping technology uses artificial intelligence to seamlessly blend the target face into the base photo. It accurately identifies and integrates the new face, creating a harmonious and realistic result that looks like a perfect fit with the original image.

  • Super Realistic
  • Highly Versatile

Swap Faces Online in Just 3 Steps

Our user-friendly interface makes face swapping accessible to everyone, anywhere, anytime. All you need is an internet connection. Simply upload your base and target photos, click the ‘Swap Face’ button, and let our intelligent algorithm handle the rest. No extra effort required!

  • User-friendly Face Swapping
  • Accessible anywhere anytime

Loads of Fun

Try for free

Prioritizes Privacy

Facial data never stored

Lightning-Fast Face Swapping

We understand your time is valuable. That’s why our AI-driven face swapping tool processes your photos and delivers the final result in mere seconds. With its impressive speed and efficiency, you can create multiple face swap images quickly and effortlessly, allowing you to explore more creative possibilities in less time.

  • State of the Art AI
  • Built for Speed


Frequently asked questions

Is the Face Swap tool really free to try?
Yes, our Face Swap tool is completely free to try without any hidden costs or fees.
Are the face-swapped results realistic?
Yes, our advanced AI technology ensures natural and realistic results by accurately integrating the target face into the base photo.
How long does it take to swap faces?
Our AI-driven tool processes your photos and delivers the final result in just a matter of seconds.
How do I swap faces in photos using this tool?
Simply upload a base photo and a target photo, click ‘Swap Face’, and our AI will seamlessly replace the face in the base photo with the one from the target photo.
Is my facial data secure when using this tool?
Absolutely. We prioritize your privacy and security, and we never store your facial data.
Can I use this tool on my mobile device?
Yes, our Face Swap tool is accessible anywhere, anytime. All you need is an internet connection to use it on your mobile device or computer.

Question not answered above? Contact us →

Ready to start face swapping now?

There has never been a better time than right now.